5 de maio de 2014
Lessons from China
Despite being usually seen as comparable parts of the BRICs , the emerging economies of China and Brazil have more differences than similarities, not to mention the countries’ historic and cultural backgrounds. Ever since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has impressed the world with very good indicators: substantial and steady increase in its GDP, relevant internal market, increasing participation in global trade, impressive rates of innovation and an environment that is globally much welcoming to foreign investment. Brazil, on its side, has managed to surpass economic chaos caused by hyperinflation in the beginning of the 1990s and to create a market that is both friendly to foreign investments and strongly responsive to its internal demands, after years of economic stagnancy. Both countries are heralded as strong healthy economies, with a good share of natural resources and good perspectives for the future. On the verge of organizing two major sports events in the window of tw
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5 de maio de 2014
Lessons from China
Despite being usually seen as comparable parts of the BRICs , the emerging economies of China and Brazil have more differences than similarities, not to mention the countries’ historic and cultural backgrounds. Ever since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has impressed the world with very good indicators: substantial and steady increase in its GDP, relevant internal market, increasing participation in global trade, impressive rates of innovation and an environment that is globally much welcoming to foreign investment. Brazil, on its side, has managed to surpass economic chaos caused by hyperinflation in the beginning of the 1990s and to create a market that is both friendly to foreign investments and strongly responsive to its internal demands, after years of economic stagnancy. Both countries are heralded as strong healthy economies, with a good share of natural resources and good perspectives for the future. On the verge of organizing two major sports events in the window of tw
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5 de maio de 2014
Lessons from China
Despite being usually seen as comparable parts of the BRICs , the emerging economies of China and Brazil have more differences than similarities, not to mention the countries’ historic and cultural backgrounds. Ever since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has impressed the world with very good indicators: substantial and steady increase in its GDP, relevant internal market, increasing participation in global trade, impressive rates of innovation and an environment that is globally much welcoming to foreign investment. Brazil, on its side, has managed to surpass economic chaos caused by hyperinflation in the beginning of the 1990s and to create a market that is both friendly to foreign investments and strongly responsive to its internal demands, after years of economic stagnancy. Both countries are heralded as strong healthy economies, with a good share of natural resources and good perspectives for the future. On the verge of organizing two major sports events in the window of tw
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1 de maio de 2014
Advertising and Marketing – Getting the Deal Through (Brazil Chapter)
1 What are the principal statutes regulating advertising generally?
The legal basis for the provision of advertisement regulation is set forth by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, which determines that the law will provide for special rules on the advertising of products and services that may offer health and environmental risks, such as tobacco, alcohol and medicines (section 220, paragraph 3, II, and paragraph 4).
18 de abril de 2014
Jurisprudência relativiza proteção à marca de renome
Consultor Jurídico (Conjur).
17 de abril de 2014
INPI não consegue reduzir prazo de patentes
Valor Econômico. Legislação e Tributos.
5 de março de 2014
Las acciones de nulidad de patentes mailbox
Revista Marcasur. Suplemento Brasil Al Día. Março, 2014.
La inseguridad jurídica que existe en Brasil es tanta que un dicho burlesco dice que “en Brasil hasta el pasado es incierto”. Un ejemplo de reciente conducta del Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) que generó perplejidad fue la presentación de acciones de nulidad de las patentes mailbox.
1 de março de 2014
Un compromiso con la innovación
Revista Marcasur. Suplemento Brasil Al Día. Março, 2014.
18 de fevereiro de 2014
Pedido de alto renome custará até R$ 41,3 mil
Valor Econômico. Legislação e Tributos.
7 de fevereiro de 2014
A nova lei anticorrupção e a formatação de regras internas para as empresas
Gazeta do Povo.
5 de fevereiro de 2014
Kasznar Leonardos ocupa primeiro lugar no WTR 1000 – 2014 e tem 5 profissionais indicados
É com alegria que comunicamos a primeira colocação de Kasznar Leornados, posição compartilhada com ilustres colegas, no ranking do guia internacional de marcas WTR 1000 – 2014. Além disso, 5 de nossos sócios foram recomendados pelo guia. São eles: Elisabeth Kasznar, Gabriel Leonardos, Rafael Lacaz, Claudio Roberto Barbosa e Filipe Leonardos. Veja o ranking completo dos escritórios brasileiros aqui:
3 de fevereiro de 2014
Breves comentários acerca da proibição de registro de ‘slogans’ como marca
O artigo 124 da LPI – LEI DA PROPRIEDADE INDUSTRIAL (LEI 9679/96) elenca os sinais não registráveis como marca. No inciso VII encontra-se a recusa para sinal ou expressão empregada apenas como meio de propaganda.
Revisitando o antigo regime jurídico dos sinais e expressões de propaganda (também conhecidos como “slogans”), notamos que o antigo Código da Propriedade Industrial (Lei 5772/71) previa registro para os sinais e expressões de propaganda. O registro tinha validade de 10 anos, podendo ser indefinidamente prorrogado por período igual e sucessivo, tal como as marcas.
A efervescente criatividade dos profissionais de marketing, a estonteante velocidade da informação e a concorrência acirrada podem ser apontados como alguns dos fatores que encurtaram a vida dos sinais e expressões de propaganda, que atualmente se renovam a cada estação. Nesse cenário, a proteção ad eternum do aludido registro perdeu seu propósito.
Com efeito, a LPI extinguiu o registro de sinai
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1 de fevereiro de 2014
As ações de nulidade de patentes mailbox para produtos farmacêuticos
Tribuna do Advogado.