
By Rafael Lacaz Amaral

WTR’s Brazil anti-counterfeiting overview guide is now available!

Our partner Rafael Lacaz Amaral and attorney at law Raquel Corrêa Barros, leaders of the Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy & Brand Protection team, wrote the article “Brazil: Market growth pushes anti-counterfeiting efforts up the agenda” as part of the WTR Anti-Counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2024.

Rafael and Raquel were responsible for the analysis of Brazil’s anti-piracy scenario in the guide. They focus on the matter by examining its robust legal framework, which was structured through investments in planning, technology, intelligence, training, and coordination.

The professionals delve into the main laws, treaties, and border measures that support anti-counterfeiting combat in Brazil. They also discuss civil and criminal actions aimed at penalizing offenders, as well as initiatives, such as the National Directory for Combating Trademark Counterfeiting, which drive anti-piracy efforts nationwide.

Read the full article here.


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