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The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just announced that a PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway) pilot agreement has been signed with People’s Republic of China

This PPH Program, in what concerns applicability in Brazil, will cover information technology, packages, measurements and chemistry inventions, and will accept a cap of 200 applications.
Concerning the patent applications to be prosecuted in China, there is no restriction regarding the invention's technical area.
The PPH is to be placed in force by February 2018.
As soon as the text of the agreement is officially published in the Official Gazette we will revert to this matter with further information.
Should you wish to receive more information on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact us, by telephone (+55 21 2113-1919), directly with your usual contact at our office or by e-mail at

Last by ...

November 21, 2017

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just announced that a PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway) pilot agreement has been signed with People’s Republic of China

This PPH Program, in what concerns applicability in Brazil, will cover information technology, packages, measurements and chemistry inventions, and will accept a The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just announced that a PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway) pilot agreement has been signed with People’s Republic of China

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March 8, 2017

Brazilian Patent Office issues a new Resolution addressing the assignment of priority rights and assignment of PCT applications

Further to our newsletter 12/16, please be informed that the Brazilian Patent Office issued on 1.March 2017 the Resolution No. 179 revoking Resolution 174, which was addressed in said previous newsletter.

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December 21, 2016

Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office published a new resolution regarding the assignment of priority rights as well as the assignment of the application in connection with PCT applications

Resolution No. 174 published by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office on 6 December 2016 established new rules for Brazilian National Phases of PCT applications regarding assignment of priority rights and the assignment of the application.

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