

August 21, 2013

MARCASUR Magazine elects Kasznar Elisabeth and Gabriel Leonardos as two of the best IP lawyers in Brazil

The founding partners of Kasznar Leonardos Intellectual Property Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos are among the top IP lawyers in Brazil, according to the subscribers of MARCASUR Magazine.

The MARCASUR magazine is a renowned source of information on intellectual property in Latin America and has recently held the MARCASUR EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2013. This award consists of a voting among the subscribers of the magazine (IP experts), aiming to identify the intellectual property professionals of Latin American who stand out in their countries. According to the results, published in issue No. 50 (July-September) of MARCASUR, in Brazil three lawyers tied for first place with 20% of the votes each, among whom are Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos.

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August 21, 2013

MARCASUR Magazine elects Kasznar Elisabeth and Gabriel Leonardos as two of the best IP lawyers in Brazil

The founding partners of Kasznar Leonardos Intellectual Property Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos are among the top IP lawyers in Brazil, according to the subscribers of MARCASUR Magazine.

The MARCASUR magazine is a renowned source of information on intellectual property in Latin America and has recently held the MARCASUR EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2013. This award consists of a voting among the subscribers of the magazine (IP experts), aiming to identify the intellectual property professionals of Latin American who stand out in their countries. According to the results, published in issue No. 50 (July-September) of MARCASUR, in Brazil three lawyers tied for first place with 20% of the votes each, among whom are Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos.

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August 21, 2013

MARCASUR Magazine elects Kasznar Elisabeth and Gabriel Leonardos as two of the best IP lawyers in Brazil

The founding partners of Kasznar Leonardos Intellectual Property Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos are among the top IP lawyers in Brazil, according to the subscribers of MARCASUR Magazine.

The MARCASUR magazine is a renowned source of information on intellectual property in Latin America and has recently held the MARCASUR EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2013. This award consists of a voting among the subscribers of the magazine (IP experts), aiming to identify the intellectual property professionals of Latin American who stand out in their countries. According to the results, published in issue No. 50 (July-September) of MARCASUR, in Brazil three lawyers tied for first place with 20% of the votes each, among whom are Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Gabriel Leonardos.

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August 1, 2013

Newsletter 2013.03 – Mediation procedure to facilitate trademark disputes pending before the INPI

Since July 15, 2013, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) started offering a voluntary mediation service for administrative disputes arisen from trademark proceedings. Such alternative may help decreasing the number of current disputes as well the time for their solution and backlog. Moreover, it may facilitate internation parties seeking to settle related disputes in multiple jurisdictions.

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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    May 2, 2013

    On our way to the INTA Annual Meeting

    On our way to the INTA Annual Meeting The partners and trademark attorneys Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, Eduardo Colonna Rosman, Rafael Lacaz Amaral and Liz Starling, besides the foreign trademark coordinator Monica Simas Medeiros, will attend the 135th Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA), to be held in Dallas, Texas, from May 4th to the 8th.

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    May 1, 2013

    Winds of Change: Intellectual Property and Wind Power – Why the Brazilian Market Can Become Attractive


    Global energy demand continues to increase, with major developing countries acting as the main driving force behind such rise. However, the world energy balance is still highly dependent on the finite source of fossil fuels, which is considered to be the major responsible for atmosphere pollution in big cities. Furthermore, the long term consequences of the use of these non-renewable fuel sources are still unknown. Global warming, for example, is pointed out to be one of its most undesirable effects.

    In this scenario, the need to diversify the energy matrix using more renewable energy sources has become urgent. One of the most triumphant clean energy sources that has been developed in the last years is wind power. The installed wind power capacity is increasing significantly worldwide as well as its importance to the

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    May 1, 2013

    Avoiding lengthy litigation

    Brazil IP FOCUS – Managing IP Magazine – May 2013 edition

    Generally, when IP rights holders decide to file a law suit in Brazil, they are looking for a swift answer to the violation of their rights. It is widely known, however, that law suits in Brazil usually take a long time to reach a final outcome. This is especially true in infringement and nullity actions involving patent rights, due to the technical background knowledge demanded to fully understand the technology at issue (in most of these law suits an expert is nominated by the trial judge to assist in clarifying technical aspects of the case). That is why injunctive relief plays an important role in litigation cases, as it is an efficient measure to put a stop to the infringement of IP rights while a final decision is being rendered in the case.

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    May 1, 2013

    El rol de la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria en la concesión de patentes de fármacos en Brasil: una cuestión todavía polémica


    Pasados dieciséis años de la promulgación de la Ley Brasileña de Propiedad Industrial (Ley nº 9.279/1996), la cual introdujo en el ordenamiento jurídico brasileño las reglas establecidas en el Acuerdo sobre los Aspectos de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual Relacionados con el Comercio (ADPIC), una de las cuestiones jurídicas más polémicas que se coloca cuanto a su interpretación sigue todavía sin solución: ¿cuál debe ser el rol de la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANVISA, en el acrónimo portugués) en la concesión de patentes de fármacos? Tal pregunta se hace respeto a la correcta interpretación del artículo 229-C de la Ley nº 9.279/1996, que a la letra señala:

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    April 13, 2013

    Newsletter 2013.02 – Recent developments regarding examination of pharma patent applications

    Brazilian PTO’s new Resolution No. 80 of March 19, 2013 sets forth rules for granting priority examination for patent applications related to pharmaceutical products and processes, and equipments and materials related to public health

    The Brazilian PTO published Resolution No. 80, on March 19, 2013 in the Official Gazette, which establishes the proceedings for requesting priority examination of patent applications related to pharmaceutical products and processes, and equipments and materials related to public health. We are pleased to hereby enclose a complete English language version of the resolution for your review.

    According to the new resolution, now in full force, priority for the examination of patent applications related to public health may be requested by:
    (i) The Ministry of Health when the object of the patent is considered strategic to the policies within the National Public Health System (the SUS) — the possibility of having a

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    February 5, 2013

    Concepts and protection involving famous marks in Brazil

    Managing IP Magazine – March 2013



    Depending on the degree of reputation or recognition of the mark, it may be qualified as WELL-KNOWN or HIGLY REPUTED (widely recognized by the general consuming public; well-known to the public at large), being protected under different levels.

    Legal protection to well-known marks

    WELL-KNOWN marks in the form of Article 6bis of CUP are protected under the Brazilian IP Law against imitation or reproduction in the same or related market segment. Pre-existence of a regular application or registration is not a condition to seek the protection. Being this an exception to the first-to-file rule in force in Brazil, the Brazilian Law requires that the Opponent files an application for its own mark in order to enforce the special protection.

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    December 1, 2012

    Newsletter 2012.12 – New draft guidelines for patent applications in the biotechnology field

    The Brazilian Patent amp; Trademark Office (PTO) has recently opened a new Public Consultation, this time on the draft guidelines for the examination of patent applications in the biotechnology field. The Public Consultation was published in the Federal Official Gazette on December 5, 2012 and any interested party may make their submissions within a 60-day-term counted as from that publication date.

    The new draft provides more definitions and illustrations on biotech subject matter not expressly mentioned in Law # 9,279/96 (ESTs, primers, SNPs, cDNAs, ORFs, fusion proteins, etc.), indicating whether they would patentable or not in view of the main statutory prohibitions found in articles 10, (IX) and 18, (I) and (III) of that Law.

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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    November 3, 2012

    Newsletter 2012.11 – Brazilian Patent Office shall reject patent applications on genetic use restriction technologies

    Operational Rule No. 005/2012 was issued by the Brazilian Patent Office on October 30, 2012, ruling on the interference of the Biosafety Law (No No. 11,105 of 24 March 2005) on the granting of Biotechnology patent applications.

    This operational rule came as a consequence of previous Brazilian Patent Office's Notification No. 0182-2012-AGU-PGF/INPI/COOPI-ALB-2.2, published on August 21, 2012 in Official Gazette No. 2,172, which considered not to be patentable subject-matter involving genetic use restriction technologies (GURTs) for plants, as set forth by the Biosafety Law (BL).

    This BL establishes, in its Section 6º VII, that it is forbidden to: “use, sell register, patent and license genetic use restriction technologies”, these technologies being defined in the sole paragraph of said section as “any process by which human intervention generates or multiplies genetically modified plants to produce sterile reproductive structures, as well as any manner of genetic manipulation that aims a

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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    November 2, 2012

    Newsletter 2012.10 – Proposal of changes on Brazilian FDA’s Resolution RDC #45 dated 2008, which regulates the administrative proceedings for prior consent analysis

    The Brazilian FDA (ANVISA) has offered, for public consultation, a proposal of a new resolution relative to the prior consent proceedings applied to applications encompassing pharmaceutical products and processes, as set forth in Section 229-C of the Brazilian IP Law.

    This Public Consultation #66 was published in the Official Federal Gazette on October 16, 2012, opening a 60-day term for submission of any comments/suggestions on the changes in the examination procedures that will proposedly be applied by ANVISA in the future. Such term of 60 days started on October 24, 2012, when the proposal actually became available to the public, so that anyone is able to make comments and criticize the proposal up to December 22, 2012.,/pgt;

    This comes in consequence to previous opinions raised by the Brazilian Federal Attorneyship (AGU) which stated that, upon complying with the dispositions of Section 229-C, ANVISA should limit their analysis to public health factors and should not examine the app

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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    November 1, 2012

    Newsletter 2012.09 – The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) publishes new resolution also ruling on applicability of PCT Rule 49.6 for Brazil

    New Resolution No. 291 published by the BPTO on September 4, 2012 establishes new proceedings for nationalizing, in Brazil, applications filed under the PCT ? Patent Cooperation Treaty ? following Rule 49.6 of such treaty.

    Rule 49.6 sets forth that the applicant may reinstate the rights after failure to timely enter the national phase, provided that this failure was unintentional or occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken.

    The major change introduced by this Resolution is the establishment of the procedures applied concerning PCT Rule 49.6, thus including the possibility of reinstating the rights of the applicant with respect to the national phase entry, if the delay in meeting the 30

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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    September 1, 2012

    Newsletter 2012.08 – Expansion to the South of Brazil

    It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of a new office and the admission of a new partner on September 1st.

    Our new office is located in Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil. In the last decades, this region has attracted investments in all areas, which have fostered the growth of new technologies and the development of new businesses.

    We are honored to admit to our partnership, as head of the Porto Alegre Office, the renowned lawyer Fabiano de Bem da Rocha, born and raised in the South. Fabiano is a good friend of ours and a bright professional, who is widely admired in Brazil.

  • Kasznar Leonardos
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