

January 20, 2014

Newsletter 2014.01 – New Law fights corruption and requires formatting companies’ internal rules

As of February 1st, when Federal Law No. 12,846 will come into force, Brazilian and foreign companies in the country will face a new and different scenario in their relations with public entities. This is because this law, which has been popularly known as the “anti-corruption law”, comes to combat and severely punish any and every act committed by companies, their representatives, suppliers and business partners who violate or cause damage and injury to the domestic or foreign public assets, against principles of public administration or against the international commitments assumed by Brazil.

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December 18, 2013

The National Council of Justice publishes note on the take office of Elisabeth Kasznar for the presidency of ABPI

The National Council of Justice published the note “Expansion of activities”, about the take office of our senior partner Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete as the new president of the ABPI, for the biennium 2014-2015.

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December 18, 2013

The National Council of Justice publishes note on the take office of Elisabeth Kasznar for the presidency of ABPI

The National Council of Justice published the note “Expansion of activities”, about the take office of our senior partner Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete as the new president of the ABPI, for the biennium 2014-2015.

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December 18, 2013

The National Council of Justice publishes note on the take office of Elisabeth Kasznar for the presidency of ABPI

The National Council of Justice published the note “Expansion of activities”, about the take office of our senior partner Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete as the new president of the ABPI, for the biennium 2014-2015.

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December 1, 2013

Intellectual Property Aspects related to Access to Genetic Resources in Brazil

The Convention on Biological Diversity, signed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, back in 1992, established that genetic resources should no longer be considered as a heritage of the Humanity, but rather that each country should have sovereignty over its own resources.

Brazil has signed the Convention in 1992, such International Treaty having been ratified in Brazil by means of Decree No. 2,519 of March 16, 1998. However, it was only in 2000 that a legislation regulating the access to Brazilian genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge was enacted.

Particularly, in compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), more specifically, its articles 1, 8, letter “j”, 10 letter “c”, 15 and 16 items 3 and 4, Provisional Ruling 2,186-16/01, still in full force, was enacted to regulate the access to, and use of, genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge (TK) in the Brazilian territory, the fair and

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November 28, 2013

Kasznar Leonardos partner will be member of the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property

As a representative of the ABPI, our partner Rafael Lacaz Amaral was invited to join the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), as of January 2014. Congratulations, Rafael!

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November 28, 2013

Kasznar Leonardos partner will be member of the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property

As a representative of the ABPI, our partner Rafael Lacaz Amaral was invited to join the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), as of January 2014. Congratulations, Rafael!

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November 28, 2013

Kasznar Leonardos partner will be member of the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property

As a representative of the ABPI, our partner Rafael Lacaz Amaral was invited to join the National Council for the Combat of Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), as of January 2014. Congratulations, Rafael!

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November 27, 2013

Who’s Who Legal Guide indicates Elisabeth Kasznar as one of the best Patent lawyers of Brazil

The Who’s Who Legal Guide: Brazil 2013, published this month, shows the top 18 Patents lawyers in Brazil. Among them is Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, senior partner of Kasznar Leonardos. Congratulations, Elisabeth!

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November 27, 2013

Who’s Who Legal Guide indicates Elisabeth Kasznar as one of the best Patent lawyers of Brazil

The Who’s Who Legal Guide: Brazil 2013, published this month, shows the top 18 Patents lawyers in Brazil. Among them is Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, senior partner of Kasznar Leonardos. Congratulations, Elisabeth!

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November 27, 2013

Who’s Who Legal Guide indicates Elisabeth Kasznar as one of the best Patent lawyers of Brazil

The Who’s Who Legal Guide: Brazil 2013, published this month, shows the top 18 Patents lawyers in Brazil. Among them is Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, senior partner of Kasznar Leonardos. Congratulations, Elisabeth!

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November 26, 2013

“Controversial Topics of Civil Procedure in Intellectual Property” is the topic of lecture at IAB Cultural Center

The Kasznar Leonardos lawyer Aline Ferreira figures among IP experts who will speak on “Controversial Topics of Civil Procedure in Intellectual Property”, with mediation of Jacksohn Grossman – president of the Procedural Law of the Brazilian Lawyers Institute (IAB). The event will take place next Tuesday, 03/12, from 17h to 20h, in the auditorium of the Cultural Center of the IAB.

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November 8, 2013

KL partners participate in the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013 in Miami

The partners of KL Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Rafael Lacaz Amaral will attend of the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013, on 12-16 November in Miami. Elisabeth is a member of Kasznar Adjuct Teacher Project Group, from the Trademark Reporter Committee and of its sub-group Minders amp; Solicitors. Rafael coordinates the Latin American Subcommittee of Non-Traditional Marks.

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November 8, 2013

KL partners participate in the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013 in Miami

The partners of KL Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Rafael Lacaz Amaral will attend of the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013, on 12-16 November in Miami. Elisabeth is a member of Kasznar Adjuct Teacher Project Group, from the Trademark Reporter Committee and of its sub-group Minders amp; Solicitors. Rafael coordinates the Latin American Subcommittee of Non-Traditional Marks.

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November 8, 2013

KL partners participate in the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013 in Miami

The partners of KL Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Rafael Lacaz Amaral will attend of the INTA Leadership Meeting 2013, on 12-16 November in Miami. Elisabeth is a member of Kasznar Adjuct Teacher Project Group, from the Trademark Reporter Committee and of its sub-group Minders amp; Solicitors. Rafael coordinates the Latin American Subcommittee of Non-Traditional Marks.

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