

June 30, 2017

Getting the Deal Through: Advertising & Marketing

Advertising and Marketing seeks to provide local answers to international questions concerning advertising and marketing law. Chapters provide expert advice on the legislation and regulation of advertising and marketing, including the legislative processes arising from advertising disputes and challenges, the regulation of misleading advertising and the control, prohibition and restrictions in place on certain type of goods and services and to certain audiences, regulations affecting direct and indirect marketing and promotion, and up-to-date analysis of social media and the latest advertising trends.

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June 23, 2017

The end of turmoil

Three major developments in Brazil suggest the country is entering an exciting era for IP owners. Gabriel Francisco Leonardos and Pedro Vilhena of Kasznar Leonardos report.

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June 23, 2017

Recent Regulatory Framework for the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Sector

During the last BIO International Convention, Anderson Ribeiro, Partner at Kasznar Leonardos, spoke to bioBr Magazine about the recent regulatory framework for the Brazilian Pharmaceutical sector.


This article originally appeared on bioBR Magazine.

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June 15, 2017

BRAZIL: Domain Name or Trademark Registration and Earlier Rights. Which Shall Prevail?

In a decision published on March 3, 2017, the 4th Chamber of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice provided the criteria to decide cases in which identical marks are registered by different owners as domain names and trademarks (Recurso Especial nº. 1466212).

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June 8, 2017

IAM Patent 1000 classifies Kasznar Leonardos among the leadind firms

This is the sixth edition of the IAM Patent 1000 – The World's Leading Patent Professionals, a guide that identifies leading firms and patent professionals around the world. Kasznar Leonardos is once again ranked in the gold category of the guide, positioning itself among the market leaders.

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June 6, 2017

Kasznar Leonardos announces new partner

With the aim of expanding the office's operations and reinforcing its growth strategy, we announce the arrival of the lawyer Fernanda Magalhães, who will lead an important area for the development of KL: Marketing & Entertainment Law.

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June 2, 2017

Kasznar Leonardos stands out in 8 categories of the Leaders League ranking

Kasznar Leonardos was featured in the ranking Innovation – Technology and Intellectual Property 2017, released by the Leaders League. The firm was classified in 8 categories, having 11 partners mentioned in the publication. 

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April 12, 2017

Three is The Charm: 3 Good News from the Brazilian Patent Office

April 12, 2017 was an unusual day for the Brazilian Intellectual Property System. The Brazilian Patent Office (BPO) announced 3 good news for IP owners.

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March 8, 2017

Brazilian Patent Office issues a new Resolution addressing the assignment of priority rights and assignment of PCT applications

Further to our newsletter 12/16, please be informed that the Brazilian Patent Office issued on 1.March 2017 the Resolution No. 179 revoking Resolution 174, which was addressed in said previous newsletter.

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February 3, 2017

Amendments to TRIPs in order to ease access to medicines are now in force

After the ratifications of 2/3 of WTO (World Trade Organization) members, article 31 bis was formally brought into the text of TRIPs Agreement. Such provision aims at allowing compulsory licenses for export in order to meet the needs of countries with insufficient or no capacity of manufacturing drugs. It is a direct result of Doha Declaration on TRIPs Agreement and Public Health of 2001, which aims at striking a balance between IP protection and access to health care.

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January 17, 2017

Kasznar Leonardos remains “Gold” in the World Trademark Review 1000 – 2017

The guide, which is already in its 7th edition, identifies and highlights, through qualitative research, the firms and leading trademark experts in 72 jurisdictions. 

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January 6, 2017

Examination Guidelines for Computer-Implemented Inventions are now in force

A fter a very long wait, the Brazilian Patent Office finally published the Examination Guidelines for computer-implemented inventions, which went into effect on 6 December 2016, date on which they were published in the Brazilian Official Gazette. The guidelines underwent a process of public consultation and the final version introduced no relevant divergence from the draft document that had been distributed. A translation of the guidelines is enclosed.

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December 23, 2016

The prioritized examination pipeline for “Green Patents” has been now established on a permanent basis

The Brazilian Patent Office’s (BPO) “green patents” prioritized examination proceeding, which was initiated in April 2012 and has been yearly renovated for four consecutive years, has now been reissued on a permanent basis via Resolution No. 175 as per publication made in Brazilian Official Gazette No. 2396 of December 6, 2016.

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December 21, 2016

Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office published a new resolution regarding the assignment of priority rights as well as the assignment of the application in connection with PCT applications

Resolution No. 174 published by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office on 6 December 2016 established new rules for Brazilian National Phases of PCT applications regarding assignment of priority rights and the assignment of the application.

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December 8, 2016

Courts in Rio establish criteria for the collection of copyright royalties on the internet

Currently, there is a relevant discussion on what may be considered as public performance, particularly with relation to streaming activities. While there is a pending case before the Superior Court of Justice (Special Appeal REsp 1.559.264) where it is discussed whether streaming services may be classified as public performances, the lower Courts are already having their saying in this matter.

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