

October 25, 2017

New procedures regarding Software Registration in Brazil

As it is known, software protection follows the Copyright System, and a registration which is optional and of a declaratory nature can New procedures regarding Software Registration in Brazil

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October 23, 2017

When art is usable or wearable: works of applied art in the light of the Brazilian framework

Our partner Gabriel Leonardos and our lawyer Paulo Bianco published an article “When art is usable or wearable: works of applied art When art is usable or wearable: works of applied art in the light of the Brazilian framework

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October 16, 2017

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) launches a PPH Pilot Program with the European Patent Office (EPO)

Following the same strategy that has been adopted to deal with the current huge backlog of patent applications still awaiting examination, the BPTO launches one more alternative to accelerate examination of applications in areas considered strategic.

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October 16, 2017

Access and benefit sharing: Ministry of Environment will start to regularize ABS operations on November 6th

The Ministry of Environment published the Ordinance # 01/2017 on the Official Gazette of October 13, which establishes November 6th as the date when SISGEN (a database that will allow parties to register their ABS activities) will start to operate. Moreover, the same ordinance established November 6th as the beginning of the deadline provided by Brazilian Biodiversity Act (Law # 13.123/2015) for parties to regularize their ABS activities.

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September 26, 2017 Implements New Liberation Process for Domains “.BR”

The (Center of Information and Coordination of .BR), the Sentity responsible for implementing projects and decisions of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( by means of registering and maintaining domain names with the country code “.br”, has recently approved resolution, which implements changes in the liberation process of domain names.

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September 11, 2017

Ministry of Environment publishes templates of Benefit Sharing Agreements

The Ministry of Environment published on its website the new templates of Benefit Sharing Agreements in compliance with the Biodiversity Act (Law # 13.123/2015). In light of such Act, the one who carries out activities of research and development accessing Brazilian genetic resources and traditional knowledge must share the benefits arising out of such activities if they originated a finished product or reproductive resources.

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August 9, 2017

Published ANVISA’s new rule relative to the prior consent for the granting of a patent for pharmaceutical products and processes

On August 8 2017 ANVISA officially published the new Rule RDC Nº 168, related to the prior consent of the Agency on patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes, regulated by Joint Ordinance ANVISA-INPI No. 1, dated April 12, 2017, aiming to a more efficient way to analyze patent applications.

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August 9, 2017

Pharmaceutical IP and competition law in Brazil – Q&A Guide

The Q&A gives a high level overview of key issues including patents, trade marks, competition law, patent licensing, generic entry, abuse of dominance and parallel imports.


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August 9, 2017

Overview of Medicinal product regulation and product liability in Brazil

A Q&A guide to medicinal product regulation and product liability law in Brazil.

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August 3, 2017

Medical Devices – ANVISA´s Public Consultation to extend the registration term

ANVISA has published, on 08/02/2017, in the Federal Register, the the Public Consultation 371/2017 to discuss the extension, from 5 to 10 Medical Devices – ANVISA´s Public Consultation to extend the registration term

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August 2, 2017

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office launch a Public Consultation on a Proposal for dealing with the Patent Applications’ backlog

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MDIC) and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) have opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil, aiming to deal in a swift manner with the ever increasing backlog of patent applications awaiting examination, currently exceeding the figure of 230.000.

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August 2, 2017

Opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MDIC) and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) have opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil, aiming to deal in a swift manner with the ever increasing backlog of patent applications awaiting examination, currently exceeding the figure of 230.000.

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July 13, 2017

3D Printing – ANVISA orders shutdown of production line of customized prostheses

ANVISA has informed in its website, on 07/04/2017, the undertake of an operation that determined the shutdown, for at least 30 days, of a manufacturing line of personalized face and skull prostheses.
According to ANVISA, the Senai Joinville (a branch of the National Industrial Apprentice Service) has been manufacturing customized prostheses without authorization of the regulatory agency.


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July 5, 2017

Practical Law: Data Protection Guide

The article gives a high-level overview of data protection rules and principles, including obligations on the data controller and the consent of data subjects, rights to access personal data or object to its collection, security requirements, among other data issues.  

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