
By Flávia Benzatti Tremura Polli Rodrigues

October 2, 2019

Madrid Protocol takes effect in Brazil

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) is finishing the last adjustments for starting Madrid Protocol procedures in Brazil. In the last Madrid Protocol takes effect in Brazil

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June 28, 2019

Brazil joins the Madrid Trademark System

The Madrid Protocol for International Trademarks has just been enacted in Brazil, on June 26, 2019. The Protocol is an international treaty Brazil joins the Madrid Trademark System

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June 7, 2019

Brazil is getting ready for the Madrid Protocol: new procedures for Trademark Registration

The Federal Senate has approved, last month, the Draft Legislative Decree 98/2019, that foresees Brazil's accession to the Madrid Protocol. The text, Brazil is getting ready for the Madrid Protocol: new procedures for Trademark Registration

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September 1, 2013

Newsletter 2013.04 – New resolution relative to the recognition of the highly reputed trademark status in Brazil

On August 19, 2013 the Brazilian PTO published the Resolution number 17/2013, which sets the new rules for recognizing the highly reputed trademark status. This resolution will be enforced on the date of the publication of the new official fees for this procedure, but, until now, the BPTO has not estimated yet when it will be published.

The main innovation brought by this Resolution is the adoption of a standalone procedure, which allows the titleholder to require, at any time, the recognition of high reputation for its trademark before the Brazilian PTO. This request can be made when registering the mark, without the need of third parties' procedures.



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