

September 22, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos takes part in operation against piracy

On September 21st, Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy and Brand Protection team participated in a significant raid launched by the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service, Kasznar Leonardos takes part in operation against piracy

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September 20, 2023

Let’s connect at AIPPI World Congress in Istanbul

AIPPI World Congress 2023 is getting closer – and Kasznar Leonardos will be represented by a team of experts in the areas of Let’s connect at AIPPI World Congress in Istanbul

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September 14, 2023

On the cusp of change: patent landscape overhaul is good news for healthcare innovation in Brazil

Check out the article “On the cusp of change: patent landscape overhaul is good news for healthcare innovation in Brasil”,  published on IAM Media, authored by On the cusp of change: patent landscape overhaul is good news for healthcare innovation in Brazil

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September 13, 2023

BPTO publishes the 2nd ed. of the Industrial Designs Manual

By means of Ordinance INPI/PR Nr. 36 of September 6, 2023, published on September 12, 2023, the Brazilian PTO has published the BPTO publishes the 2nd ed. of the Industrial Designs Manual

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September 12, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos will be at Marques 2023

Our partners Luciana Yumi Hiane Minada and Flávia T. Polli Rodrigues will be participating in the 2023 edition of the MARQUES Annual Kasznar Leonardos will be at Marques 2023

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August 17, 2023

Avanci launches 5G standard-essential patent licensing program for the automotive industry

On August 16, 2023, the first patent pool for the next generation of connected vehicles capable of using 5G (“Avanci 5G Vehicle“) was launched. Avanci launches 5G standard-essential patent licensing program for the automotive industry

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August 15, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos takes part in antipiracy operation

On August 10, Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy and Brand Protection team took part in an important operation in the city of Teresina, Piauí Kasznar Leonardos takes part in antipiracy operation

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August 14, 2023

Chamber of Deputies approves Bill that strenghtens the BRPTO budget

It is nothing new that the BRPTO has suffered for years from the delay in examining patent and trademark applications. For instance, Chamber of Deputies approves Bill that strenghtens the BRPTO budget

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August 10, 2023

GIPI Resolution creates Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property

On August 8, GIPI/MDIC Resolution No. 7, of August 4, 2023 was published in the Federal Official Gazette, establishing the Technical Intelligence Group on GIPI Resolution creates Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property

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August 4, 2023

Cannabis and IP: Nurturing innovation in Brazil’s Life Sciences industry

Check out the article “Cannabis and IP: Nurturing innovation in Brazil’s life sciences industry”, authored by Priscila Kashiwabara and Luan Scalzitti and Cannabis and IP: Nurturing innovation in Brazil’s Life Sciences industry

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August 3, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos takes part in antipiracy “Operation Ruptura”

Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy and Brand Protection team participated in a massive operation (named “Operation Ruptura”) conducted by the Federal Revenue Service, in Kasznar Leonardos takes part in antipiracy “Operation Ruptura”

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July 26, 2023

Executive Order enacted to regulate the sports betting market in Brazil

After more than 4 years of discussion, an Executive Order (the Provisional Measure Nº. 1.182) was published on July 25, 2023 in Executive Order enacted to regulate the sports betting market in Brazil

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