

January 5, 2024

Sports betting is now regulated in Brazil

On December 30, 2023, the President of Brazil approved, with vetoes, Bill Nº. 3,626/23 (Law No. 14,790/23, which enters into force on Sports betting is now regulated in Brazil

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December 22, 2023

Annuity Payments in Brazil: New Regulations

The Braz. Patent Office published on December 19, 2023 new rules regarding the payment and settlement of annuities, in order to enable Annuity Payments in Brazil: New Regulations

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December 22, 2023

2024-2025 Regulatory Agenda Has Been Approved by the Brazilian FDA

ANVISA’s new Regulatory Agenda 2024-2025 (RA 24/25) was approved and published on the Official Gazette on December 18th. The Joint Ordinance No. 2024-2025 Regulatory Agenda Has Been Approved by the Brazilian FDA

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December 20, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos was ranked in Who’s Who Legal Brazil 2023 Guide

We are pleased to announce that, for another year, Kasznar Leonardos has been ranked in the English yearbook Who’s Who Legal (WWL). Kasznar Leonardos was ranked in Who’s Who Legal Brazil 2023 Guide

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December 18, 2023

Industrial Design Registration: new BRPTO opinion on the scope of appeal

As recently reported, the BRPTO announced a series of new guidelines regarding the processing of patent, trademark and industrial design applications. Check Industrial Design Registration: new BRPTO opinion on the scope of appeal

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December 18, 2023

ANPD releases the Priority Themes Map for the 2024-2025 biennium

Last Wednesday, December 13, 2023, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) published the first Priority Themes Map (“MPT”) through Resolution CD/ANPD No. ANPD releases the Priority Themes Map for the 2024-2025 biennium

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December 15, 2023

New rule on the devolutive effect in the analysis of appeals against the refusal of trademark registration: what changes

On December 12, 2023, the Brazilian PTO published (BPTO) Opinion 17/2003/CGPI/PFE-INPI/PGF/AGU in response to the inquiry submitted by the General Coordination of Resources New rule on the devolutive effect in the analysis of appeals against the refusal of trademark registration: what changes

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December 15, 2023

The BRPTO ruled that it is not possible to amend a patent application during the appeal phase

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the BRPTO published new rules that limit applicants’ acts in the administrative process for granting patents. At the The BRPTO ruled that it is not possible to amend a patent application during the appeal phase

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December 15, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos takes part in significant anti-counterfeiting raids in Brazil

On the National Day Against Piracy, celebrated on December 3rd, Kasznar Leonardos’ AntiPiracy and Brand Protection team took part in significant raids Kasznar Leonardos takes part in significant anti-counterfeiting raids in Brazil

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December 15, 2023

Increase in Patients Using Medicinal Cannabis and Its Consequences

The number of Brazilians using medicinal cannabis-based medications increased by approximately 165% in one year, representing a jump from 188,000 to 430,000 Increase in Patients Using Medicinal Cannabis and Its Consequences

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December 14, 2023

Patent applications: BPTO shifts priority to examination request dates for faster decisions in Brazil

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just announced that it will now order the distribution and technical examination of patent Patent applications: BPTO shifts priority to examination request dates for faster decisions in Brazil

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December 12, 2023

Anvisa approves skinny labeling practice in Brazil

Starting February 6, 2024, generic and branded-generic (“similar”) drugs will be allowed to have different labels than their respective standard labels with Anvisa approves skinny labeling practice in Brazil

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December 7, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos engages in two important anti-counterfeiting raids in Brazil

Last week, Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy and Brand Protection team took part in two significant anti-counterfeiting raids conducted by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Kasznar Leonardos engages in two important anti-counterfeiting raids in Brazil

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December 7, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos participates in ASIPI 2023

We have been represented by our partners Gabriel Leonardos and Rosane Tavares at the XXII ASIPI Congress, which took place this week Kasznar Leonardos participates in ASIPI 2023

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