
By Claudio Roberto Barbosa

Kasznar Leonardos will be at ITechlaw 2023

Our partner Claudio Barbosa and attorney at law Larissa Ferreira Martins will be representing Kasznar Leonardos at ITechlaw – European Law Conference, which will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between October 18th and 20th.

ITechLaw Association stands as the foremost international association for legal experts specializing in the intersection of technology and law. With a diverse membership from 6 continents and over 70 countries, the Conference will comprise professionals and officials with extensive expertise in the technology law field.


Last by Claudio Roberto Barbosa

August 29, 2024

Partner Claudio Barbosa will be attending the IBA Annual Conference

Our partner Claudio Barbosa will be in Mexico City from September 15th to 20th to attend the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Partner Claudio Barbosa will be attending the IBA Annual Conference

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July 18, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos provides an overview of Data Protection in Brazil’s Best Counsel 2024

We are pleased to announce that our partner Claudio Barbosa and attorney at law Larissa Ferreira Martins took part of the publication Kasznar Leonardos provides an overview of Data Protection in Brazil’s Best Counsel 2024

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July 8, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos was listed by WIPR Leaders 2024

We are pleased to announce that our partners Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, Gabriel Leonardos, Rafael Lacaz Amaral, and Claudio Barbosa have been recognized Kasznar Leonardos was listed by WIPR Leaders 2024

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