
By Fernanda Magalhães

Kasznar Leonardos was ranked on Leaders League 2023

We are very proud to announce that Kasznar Leonardos has been recognized as one of the Best Law firms in 10 areas of activity within the universe of Intellectual Property by Leaders League Brasil.

In addition, our partners Claudio Barbosa, Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, Fernanda Magalhães, Filipe Leonardos, Flávia T. Polli Rodrigues, Gabriel Leonardos, João Luis Vianna, Luciana Yumi Hiane Minada, Maria Pia Guerra, Nancy Caigawa, Rafael Lacaz Amaral, Rosane Tavares, Tatiana Silveira and Viviane Trojan also received the honor of outstanding professionals in their respective professional fields.

These rankings are the result of extensive research involving thousands of professionals from public and private companies, financial institutions and law firms.

To access the complete ranking, click on the link.


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