
By Fernanda Magalhães

Kasznar Leonardos appointed to INTA committee 2024-2025

Kasznar Leonardos is proud to announce that 3 of our partners have been elected as new members of INTA Committee.

Rafael Lacaz joined the Anticounterfeiting Committee, Flávia Tremura was chosen to Brands and Innovation Committee and Fernanda Magalhães to Copyright Committee.

It’s in our DNA to have the best and most respected professionals in the market who, through their expertise, know-how and experiences, ensure our firm’s excellence.


Last by Fernanda Magalhães

August 9, 2024

You can’t spell Olympics without IP

Our partner Fernanda Magalhães was invited by the American radio NPR to participate in the podcast “The Indicator” from Planet Money. She You can’t spell Olympics without IP

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July 24, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

The 44th International Congress on Intellectual Property, promoted by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) is coming, and Kasznar Leonardos’ presence is guaranteed! Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

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