
By Daniel Leopoldino Resende Duarte Gomes

GIPI Resolution creates Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property

On August 8, GIPI/MDIC Resolution No. 7, of August 4, 2023 was published in the Federal Official Gazette, establishing the Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property within the scope of the Inter-ministerial Group on Intellectual Property (GIPI, in the Portuguese acronym). The new group will be responsible for coordinating the selection, production and dissemination of studies, research, information, and knowledge on the subject of industrial property to inform the Federal Government’s activity and the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI, in the Portuguese acronym).

The ENPI, established in 2021, with an expected duration of 10 years, aims to provide, through biennial action plans, governance and coordination for initiatives, projects and programs related to intellectual property.

The Technical Intelligence Group, coordinated and integrated by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO), will also be composed of representatives from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services; Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development; and the Administrative Council for Economic Defense. The Resolution establishes that the Group may, at its discretion, invite other public or private bodies or entities or even experts to contribute to the discussions.

The Group’s activities are expected to conclude within one year, and the results produced will be made available on the website

If you are interested in obtaining more details or have specific questions regarding the work of this new Technical Intelligence Group, as well as other content related to intellectual and industrial property, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at:


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