
<p>News of Kasznar Leonardos Intelectual Property, with Offices in RJ, SP and RS – Brazil.</p>

Recent Regulatory Framework for the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Sector

During the last BIO International Convention, Anderson Ribeiro, Partner at Kasznar Leonardos, spoke to bioBr Magazine about the recent regulatory framework for the Brazilian Pharmaceutical sector.


This article originally appeared on bioBR Magazine.

INTA’s Latin America Delegation Strengthens Relationships in Three Key Countries – In Brazil, they meet ABPI

INTA delegation is made aware of a pioneer study conducted by ABPI on the economic importance of intellectual property and knowledge-intensive industries in Brazil.

Volunteer Spotlight: Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete

INTA Bulletin. Vol. 69 No. 7.

Un compromiso con la innovación

Revista Marcasur. Suplemento Brasil Al Día. Março, 2014.

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