
<p>News and Publications of Kasznar Leonardos Intelectual Property, with Offices in RJ, SP and RS – Brazil.</p>

Protecting Plant Varieties in Brazil for FloraCulture Magazine

Our partner and head of Life Sciences, Priscila Kashiwabara discusses plant variety protection in Brazil and its recent developments regarding legal framework for Plant Protecting Plant Varieties in Brazil for FloraCulture Magazine

Life sciences patent eligibility in Latin America: a guide

Patents are critical to the life sciences industry and often spark intense and heated debate. To be successful, one key strategy that Life sciences patent eligibility in Latin America: a guide

Global Patent Litigation 2022 – Brazil

Our partners Claudio Barbosa and Rafael Lacaz Amaral authored a chapter about Brazil, first appeared in Global Patent Litigation Guide: Helping businesses navigate Global Patent Litigation 2022 – Brazil

Privacy in Brazil 2021

The Q&A guide gives a high-level overview of privacy rules and principles, including what national laws regulate the right to respect for Privacy in Brazil 2021

Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

Our partners Anderson Ribeiro, Aline Ferreira and Priscila Kashiwabara authored the chapter "Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges". This article first Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: A Global Guide 2021

The growth of the Brazilian market and economy is paralleled by the increase in counterfeiting activities. The enforcement of IP rights involves Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: A Global Guide 2021

Patent Litigation in Brazil 2021: Global Practice Guide by Chambers & Partners

The Global Practice Guide, published by Chambers & Partners, provides guidance on intellectual property rights, initiating lawsuits, infringement, revocation/cancellation, trial and settlement, Patent Litigation in Brazil 2021: Global Practice Guide by Chambers & Partners

Data Protection & Privacy in Brazil 2021: Global Practice Guide by Chambers & Partners

The Global Practice Guide, published by Chambers & Partners, includes outlines of national regimes, fundamental laws, sectoral or special issues, workplace privacy, Data Protection & Privacy in Brazil 2021: Global Practice Guide by Chambers & Partners

Brazil’s Best Counsel 2021 – Chapter Opening: Data Protection

Privacy and data protection have been in the spotlight in Brazil for the past seven years, ever since sensitive Brazilian government documents Brazil’s Best Counsel 2021 – Chapter Opening: Data Protection

Global Patent Litigation 2021 – Brazil

Our senior partner Rafael Lacaz Amaral authored a chapter about Brazil, first appeared in Global Patent Litigation Guide: Helping businesses navigate the Global Patent Litigation 2021 – Brazil

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