
Kasznar Leonardos will be at XXII ASIPI Congress

Our partners Gabriel Leonardos and Rosane Tavares will represent Kasznar Leonardos at the XXII ASIPI Congress, in Mexico City, between December 3 Kasznar Leonardos will be at XXII ASIPI Congress

Kasznar Leonardos coordinates large-scale Anti-Piracy raid in Paraná

The Antipiracy and Brand Protection team of Kasznar Leonardos strategically coordinated a large-scale search and seizure operation in eight factories located in Kasznar Leonardos coordinates large-scale Anti-Piracy raid in Paraná

Lucas Rezende achieved 3rd place in the 1st FIBE Prize

We’re proud to announce the recognition of our attorney at law, Lucas Rezende, for his master’s dissertation awarded by FIBE Awards. His Lucas Rezende achieved 3rd place in the 1st FIBE Prize

The protection of IP rights in the new Brazilian sports law

The enactment of Law No. 14,597/2023 (known as General Sports Law – GSL) in June of this year marks a milestone for The protection of IP rights in the new Brazilian sports law

Article “How to patent biological materials from 3D printing” for LSIPR

The article “How to patent biological materials from 3D printing,” written by our partner Priscila Kashiwabara and patent specialist Breno Souza, has Article “How to patent biological materials from 3D printing” for LSIPR

Brazilian Finance Ministry Issues New Regulation For Sports Betting Market

On October 27, the Brazilian Finance Ministry (MF) issued a significant regulatory milestone for sports betting activities (Ordinance No. 1,300/2023) which establishes the Brazilian Finance Ministry Issues New Regulation For Sports Betting Market

Kasznar Leonardos is recognized on the Lexology Legal Influencer 2023

We are honored to announce that three members of our team have been elected Lexology Legal Influencers 2023 in the Central and Kasznar Leonardos is recognized on the Lexology Legal Influencer 2023

Hawaiian Tropic Secures Its Trademark at INPI After 30 Years of Litigation

SHELTON, Connecticut, 31 de outubro de 2023 /PRNewswire/ – After 30 years of a complex legal dispute, the globally renowned sun care Hawaiian Tropic Secures Its Trademark at INPI After 30 Years of Litigation

Kasznar Leonardos will be at INTA 2023 Leadership Meeting

Our senior partners, Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Rafael Lacaz Amaral, will be representing Kasznar Leonardos at the 2023 International Trademark Association (INTA) Kasznar Leonardos will be at INTA 2023 Leadership Meeting

ANVISA’s Personal Data Protection Policy is released

On October 19, 2023, the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) published Administrative Order 1,184/2023, which provides for the National Health Surveillance Agency’s (Anvisa) ANVISA’s Personal Data Protection Policy is released

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