Kasznar Administrador

You can’t spell Olympics without IP

Sócia Fernanda Magalhães é convidada para podcast norte-americano para falar sobre marketing de emboscada nas Olímpiadas,

Our partner Fernanda Magalhães was invited by the American radio NPR to participate in the podcast “The Indicator” from Planet Money. She You can’t spell Olympics without IP

We were remembered by the Life Sciences Awards 2024 Americas and it is coming!

Kasznar Leonardos é lembrado pelo Life Sciences Awards 2024 Americas

Our partner Priscila Kashiwabara has been pre-selected as a finalist in the Life Sciences Awards 2024 Americas. Our office has also been We were remembered by the Life Sciences Awards 2024 Americas and it is coming!

Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

O 44º Congresso Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual da Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) está chegando e é claro que o Kasznar Leonardos marcará presença.

The 44th International Congress on Intellectual Property, promoted by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) is coming, and Kasznar Leonardos’ presence is guaranteed! Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

ANPD in the spotlight: Brazilian Data Protection Authority approves Regulation about the DPO and discloses new platform for data subject’s requests

Newsletter sobre ANPD ter aprovado Regulamento para atuação de Encarregados e disponibilizado nova plataforma para requerimento de titulares.

Regulation for Data Protection Officer’s Practice This week (Tuesday, 16), the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) approved the Resolution CD/ANPD No. 18, ANPD in the spotlight: Brazilian Data Protection Authority approves Regulation about the DPO and discloses new platform for data subject’s requests

Kasznar Leonardos provides an overview of Data Protection in Brazil’s Best Counsel 2024

Estamos felizes em anunciar que o nosso sócio Claudio Barbosa e advogada Larissa Ferreira Martins participaram da publicação “Brazil's Best Counsel 2024” do Leaders League Brasil, falando sobre proteção de dados.

We are pleased to announce that our partner Claudio Barbosa and attorney at law Larissa Ferreira Martins took part of the publication Kasznar Leonardos provides an overview of Data Protection in Brazil’s Best Counsel 2024

PPH in Brazil: case limit for 2024 has been reached

Pilha de papéis que remetem a ter excedido no Brasil o limite de pedidos de PPH para 2024.

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just published a notification informing that the annual limit of 800 Patent Prosecution Highway PPH in Brazil: case limit for 2024 has been reached

Kasznar Leonardos obtains special recognition from Leaders League Brasil

Kasznar Leonardos obtém reconhecimento especial do Leaders League Brasil

We are pleased to announce that we have been highlighted in the 2024 Leaders League Brasil Patent Litigation rankings research! We received Kasznar Leonardos obtains special recognition from Leaders League Brasil

Partner Tatiana Silveira participates in ABAPI’s advanced patent course

Tatiana Silveira em curso de patentes avançado da ABAPI

Our partner Tatiana Silveira has been invited to teach in the advanced patent course organized by ABAPI (Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Partner Tatiana Silveira participates in ABAPI’s advanced patent course

Ministry of Finance publishes new rules for betting in Brazil

Imagem de fichas que remetem a apostas, assunto tratado na newsletter sobre portaria de regulamentação das bets no Brasil.

The Ministry of Finance has published an Ordinance aimed at regulating the betting and gaming market in Brazil. Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,143, Ministry of Finance publishes new rules for betting in Brazil

Declaration of Use of a Trademark in Argentina

Imagem da capital da Argentina, Buenos Aires.

According to the legislation in force, five years after a trademark is granted in Argentina, the applicant should file a Declaration of Declaration of Use of a Trademark in Argentina

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