Kasznar Administrador

Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference

Kasznar Leonardos marcará presença na 38ª Conferência Anual do MARQUES

Our partners Flávia Benzatti Tremura Polli Rodrigues and Luciana Minada will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference, which will take place Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference

Kasznar Leonardos will be attending FICPI’s Forum

Nossa sócia e COO Tatiana Silveira e sócio Tarso Machado participarão da FICPI - International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys 22nd Open Forum, em Madrid, Espanha, do dia 25 a 28 de setembro. O fórum deste ano contará com uma programação especial que abrangerá práticas de Propriedade Intelectual, incluindo patentes, marcas e desenhos industriais. Especialistas renomados internacionalmente terão a oportunidade valiosa de trocar insights, aprofundar seus conhecimentos e explorar as últimas tendências da PI no âmbito global.

Our partner and COO Tatiana Silveira and partner Tarso Machado will be attending the 22nd FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Kasznar Leonardos will be attending FICPI’s Forum

Important update: New Rules Published by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property

Formulário que remete às Novas Regras Publicadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI).

The Brazilian PTO (INPI) published, in the IP Gazette # 2800 of September 3, 2024, two new Ordinances that bring changes in Important update: New Rules Published by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property

Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the IPO Annual Meeting 2024

Jansen Viana participará do IPO Annual Meeting 2024. Jansen terá a oportunidade de criar conexões com importantes nomes do cenário de PI internacional.

Our business developer, Jansen Viana, will be attending the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) Annual Meeting 2024, which will take place in Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the IPO Annual Meeting 2024

Partner Claudio Barbosa will be attending the IBA Annual Conference

Claudio Barbosa estará na Conferência Anual da International Bar Association (IBA).

Our partner Claudio Barbosa will be in Mexico City from September 15th to 20th to attend the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Partner Claudio Barbosa will be attending the IBA Annual Conference

ANPD Publishes Regulation on International Data Transfers to Strengthen Data Protection in Brazil

ANPD Publica Regulamento de Transferência Internacional de Dados para Fortalecer a Proteção de Dados Pessoais no Brasil

On August 23, 2024, the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) published the Resolution No. 19/2024 in the Federal Official Gazette, approving the Regulation ANPD Publishes Regulation on International Data Transfers to Strengthen Data Protection in Brazil

João Vianna is recognized as a Top Decisor: Managing Partner once again in 2024

João Vianna é reconhecido como Top Decisor: Managing Partner

We are honored to announce that, for one more year, our partner and current CEO, João Luis Vianna, has been recognized by João Vianna is recognized as a Top Decisor: Managing Partner once again in 2024

‘No-one likes this’: Brazilian firms grapple with patent guidelines

Matéria da Managing IP 'Ninguém gosta disso': Firmas brasileiras enfrentam dificuldades com regras de patentes que a nossa sócia Tatiana Silveira foi convidada para comentar.

Our partner and COO Tatiana Silveira was invited by Managing IP to comment on the recent changes in the Brazilian Patent and ‘No-one likes this’: Brazilian firms grapple with patent guidelines

Kasznar Leonardos hosts event in investment in Pernambuco and Brazil-China partnerships in IP

Kasznar Leonardos realiza evento sobre investimentos em Pernambuco e parcerias Brasil-China em Propriedade Intelectual.

Kasznar Leonardos had the honor of hosting, in partnership with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the Kasznar Leonardos hosts event in investment in Pernambuco and Brazil-China partnerships in IP

Kasznar Leonardos aids federal operation against illegal automotive parts in Guarulhos

Operação antipirataria conta com a participação de Kasznar Leonardos

The Anti-Piracy and Brand Protection team of Kasznar Leonardos recently participated in an initiative, led by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service, to Kasznar Leonardos aids federal operation against illegal automotive parts in Guarulhos

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