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November 6, 2020

ANVISA establishes new rules for labeling of personal care products, cosmetics and perfumes

On November 5, Anvisa published Resolution – RDC 432/2020 which sets forth an obligation to describe the list of ingredients in Portuguese on labels of personal care products, cosmetics and perfumes. 
This new regulation results from a final Court decision not subject to appeal (res judicata), rendered in a class action filed by the Federal Prosecutor Office against Anvisa (case dockets # 0028713-35.2008.4.02.5101/RJ).
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July 5, 2021

Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

Our partners Anderson Ribeiro, Aline Ferreira and Priscila Kashiwabara authored the chapter "Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges". This article first Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

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June 8, 2021

Special Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approves Bill No. 399/2015, on medical, veterinary and industrial uses of Cannabis

In a tight vote, the Special Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday, June 8, Bill No. 399/2015 (PL 399/2015), Special Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approves Bill No. 399/2015, on medical, veterinary and industrial uses of Cannabis

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April 15, 2021

ANVISA opens a Public Consultation to improve the reliance on foreign regulatory authorities’ opinions

ANVISA’s Board of Directors opened a Public Consultation (“PC 1,039/2021”), available to contributions between 04/15/2021 and 06/15/2021, to discuss a proposed regulation ANVISA opens a Public Consultation to improve the reliance on foreign regulatory authorities’ opinions

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