

Kasznar Leonardos represented at the AIPPI World Congress 2023

We, from Kasznar Leonardos, were represented at the AIPPI World Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey. Our partners, João Luís Vianna, Gabriel Leonardos, Rosane Tavares, Priscila Kashiwabara, and Maria Pia Guerra, actively participated in this moment of effervescence in the field of Intellectual Property.

In addition to our presence throughout the three-day event, our partner Gabriel Leonardos also took part in the academic program as a member of the panel titled “The Average Consumer: Informed User,” which took place on the 24th. This panel explored the concept of an “informed user” or “average consumer” in design patent cases, with a focus on the peculiarities of the brazilian scenario. In this context, Gabriel emphasized: “Validity and infringement are assessed by completely different people.

We thank everyone who contributed to making this a knowledge-filled experience and to keep on our journey as active advocates for innovation.


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