

Kasznar Leonardos will be at INTA 2023 Leadership Meeting

Our senior partners, Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete and Rafael Lacaz Amaral, will be representing Kasznar Leonardos at the 2023 International Trademark Association (INTA) Leadership Meeting between November 14 to 17, taking place in Houston, USA.

Both are part of the exclusive guest list invited by INTA to participate in the event, as they are active members of the Institution’s committees.

Elisabeth will also join as a speaker on the panel “Navigating the Nexus: Exploring the Interplay Between Trade Secrets and Artificial Intelligence”, on November 15th, at 2:30 pm, local time.

The panelists will discuss challenges such as maintaining trade secrets confidentiality in an AI-driven world, the legal implications of AI-generated trade secrets, and how to balance innovation with safeguarding proprietary information.

The key leaders in the Intellectual Property area on a global scale will come together at the event to share their expertise, news, and trends in the field, fostering a cultural exchange, deepening knowledge, and expanding networking opportunities for high-level IP professionals.

See you there!


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