

December 7, 2023

  • Kasznar Leonardos

Kasznar Leonardos engages in two important anti-counterfeiting raids in Brazil

Last week, Kasznar Leonardos’ Antipiracy and Brand Protection team took part in two significant anti-counterfeiting raids conducted by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. These raids, called “Operação Desmonte” and “Operação Farpas”, took place in two strategic cities: São Paulo, renowned for its prominent position in the national commerce, and Arapiraca, the second-largest municipality in the state of Alagoas.

The targets of these operations included a shopping center located in the Avenida Paulista region in São Paulo, as well as 15 stores in the popular commerce area of Arapiraca. These actions led to the seizure of approximately R$8 million worth of counterfeit products, such as clothing, footwear, and electronics.


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