

Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation board creates task force to establish ethical standards for Sports Betting advertising

On July 27, 2023, the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Board (“CONAR”) announced the creation of a Task Force to develop and establish ethical advertising standards for sports betting marketing and advertising practices.

As previously reported in our newsletter, sports betting activities are undergoing regulation at the federal level as Executive Order n. 1.182/2023 established rules and parameters for several aspects of the 2018 legislation which primarily regulates national lottery but also sport betting activities (law n. 13.756/2018). Thus, entities involved in sports betting activities in Brazil must note and comply with the related regulatory, corporate, taxation, commercialization and marketing and advertising rules and regulations.

CONAR´s Task Force will be formed by representatives of the Board´s co-founding entities as well as members of the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gambling (IBRJ) and National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL) and shall review the international regulatory framework related to sport betting activities in order to propose specific self-regulation standards and rules for marketing and advertising campaigns with a special focus on the protection of children and other vulnerable groups.

The first meeting of the Task Force is scheduled to occur in the upcoming days, and our team is closely monitoring the matter to update you on the impacts of such specific regulations to the advertising market. Please feel free to contact and if you have any questions or would like to discuss about your specific project.


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