

November 22, 2021

  • Kasznar Leonardos

Kasznar Leonardos receives ISO 9001 certification of quality

The ISO 9001 standard recognizes operational efficiency, focusing specifically on excellent customer service and continual process improvement.

Our firm has received ISO 9001 certification for trademarks, patents and industrial design. This world-renowned certification recognizes the standard of quality of our processes, specifically our excellent customer service and operational efficiency. Obtaining certification aligns with our redesigned strategic planning, which embraces structural changes, new governance, involving all organization in important workplace processes, and updating systems and work routines, making them more dynamic and effective.

The certification project, headed by partner and director of operations, Tatiana Silveira, represents an important cultural shift, with all teams focused on continual improvement in all their activities. Through the changes implemented, we successfully have improved:  process monitoring and follow-up, reduced the risk of failures, and provided better service based on customers’ specific needs.

The current ISO 9001 is entirely focused on meeting customer needs and welcomes suggestions for change, making operations less rigid and encouraging continual improvement. Cross-department and multi-level teams’ interaction, as well as improved worked flows, translate not only to better outcomes but to improved talent retention.

During the certification process, we successfully identified risks and opportunities for operational improvement, and established means and timelines to reach established goals. We also designed a new routine for registering non-conformities that will help us identify operational failures and determine causes so as to avoid repeat mistakes.

This is yet another initiative that reflects our ongoing commitment to growth and change so that we continue to offer outstanding service.


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