

May 26, 2021

  • Kasznar Leonardos

Kasznar Leonardos celebrates the first year of its Diversity & Inclusion Program

In May 2020, Kasznar Leonardos implemented its Diversity and Inclusion Program aiming to create a more inclusive work environment. Over the past year, with the support of diversity and inclusion specialists, this initiative promoted healthy and productive debates and discussions among leaders and associates accelerating the decision-making process for the adoption of a greater commitment to creating a truly heterogenous and respectful atmosphere at the firm.
After an internal review, Kasznar Leonardos created a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which reports to the Board of Directors. Certain employees with positions in various departments also joined a firm-wide Task Force which works with Human Resources to create and deploy internal diversity and inclusion campaigns and initiatives. An Annual Planning process has been undertaken to organize the Diversity and Inclusion Program around four central pillars: Gender Equality, Racial Equality, Persons with Disabilities, and the LGBTI+ Community.
To learn more about the various initiatives carried out during the Diversity and Inclusion Program’s first year, click here
Kasznar Leonardos understands the importance of plurality and continuously endeavors to maintain a workplace characterized by respect. This objective transcends numbers and market performance. We view our main mission as contributing to the achievement of a more just and inclusive society.

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