

June 7, 2024

BRPTO Publishes Integrity Plan for 2024-2025

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (”INPI”) published its Integrity Plan, outlining actions to manage integrity risks for the 2024-2025 biennium. The plan is established through INPI/PR Ordinance No. 25/2024.

This is the third revision of the Plan, originally conceived in 2018, which aims to promote the adoption of institutional measures and actions aimed at preventing, detecting, remediating, and punishing cases of integrity breaches. The Integrity Plan seeks to ensure the protection of the principles of transparency, efficiency, ethics, and other public interest principles, which should be the foundation of good governance in public administration.

The reformulation for the 2024-2025 biennium includes essential documents to guide the BRPTO’s internal practices and policies. These include the Integrity Brochure, the Integrity Plan, the Training and Communication Plan, Relations and Transparency Policy, and internal procedures for handling nepotism, conflicts of interest (currently being updated) and complaints. The BRPTO further reinforces its commitment to ethics and transparency by providing information about its Ethics Committee.

The adoption of an Integrity Plan by the BRPTO represents a significant step towards improving transparency and legal certainty in the Intellectual Property environment in Brazil, curbing acts of fraud and corruption by public agents responsible for examining and granting patents, trademarks, and other IP assets. For entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors, these measures foster a more reliable and secure environment for protecting their Intellectual Property rights.

We remain committed to staying up-to-date with the latest developments at BRPTO and are available to assist you via email:


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