

Anvisa opens its doors to Startups: Stepping towards Innovation in Medicines

Anvisa recently launched a public notice with the aim of selecting Startups involved in the research and development of medicines, in order to provide strategic and regulatory support. This pioneering initiative marks an important moment for the Brazilian innovation scene, as it recognizes the relevance of Startups in the search for more effective and accessible health solutions for the Brazilian population.

As stipulated in the public notice, three Startups will be chosen, one of which is dedicated to the development of herbal medicines, another to new synthetic medicines and the last focused on biological products. The purpose of this selection is to integrate the Startups into the national drug regulatory scenario, providing specific guidance and support for drugs in the early stages of development.

In order to participate in the process, it is necessary for the Startups to be national and duly registered with ANVISA, in addition to demonstrating the potential for prevention or treatment and proving that the candidate drug is in the development phase.

Applications are now open and will remain so until May 7, 2024. The result of the chosen Startups is expected to be announced in June of this year.

For more information on the regulatory and legal developments related to Anvisa’s program to support startups, don’t hesitate to contact our partners: and



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