

March 25, 2024

  • Kasznar Leonardos

Kasznar Leonardos at WIPO Summer School: expanding knowledge in Technology

Our employees Bernardo Soares, from the Anti-Piracy & Compliance team, and Antonio Freitas Jr., from the Legal department, represented Kasznar Leonardos at the 10th edition of the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO SUMMER SCHOOL – Chile. The event was the result of a partnership between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Chilean National Institute of Industrial Property – INAPI Chile.

The program fostered reflections on the challenges and opportunities in the use and application of Intellectual Property rights, alongside discussions on the promotion and expansion of Technology Transfer mechanisms at regional and international levels.

Our employees exchanged experiences for two weeks with other IP professionals and legal experts from Latin American countries such as Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Colombia. As a result of this immersion, Bernardo and Antonio returned to Brazil with an even more strategic outlook to assist and advise our clients.


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