

Five attorneys at law from Kasznar Leonardos have been recognized by Análise Advocacia Woman 2024

We are pleased to announce that 5 attorneys at law from Kasznar Leonardos have been recognized by Análise Advocacia Woman 2024, headed by Análise Editorial!

This ranking acknowledges the Most Admired Female Attorneys at Law in Brazil among their different areas, as well as ranked by regional focus.

Our partners Elisabeth Kasznar FeketeNancy CaigawaFlávia T. Polli RodriguesLuciana Minada, and attorney at law Thereza Abranches have been named as outstanding female professionals in the field of Intellectual Property.

Elisabeth was also chosen among the most admired professionals in the State of São Paulo, and Thereza in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

As a firm predominantly composed of women, this honor reflects our commitment to equity and the quality of our unique professionals.


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