

Kasznar Leonardos was ranked on IP Stars 2023

We are honored to announce, once again, the recognition of Kasznar Leonardos by the IP STARS (Managing IP) ranking. Conducted by Managing Intellectual Property, the 2023 edition positions our office as one of the top firms in the field in Brazil due to our outstanding performance in Trademark Contentious and Trademark Prosecution.

Our partners Claudio Barbosa and Rafael Lacaz Amaral have also been recognized as Trademark Star and Patent Star 2023.

Additionally, partners Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete, Gabriel Leonardos, Filipe Leonardos, João Luis Vianna and Maria Pia Guerra have been highlighted as Trademark Star 2023.

Managing IP has established itself with global prominence and is one of the leading specialist guides for IP law firms and practitioners.

For more information, please visit the link.


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